
Websites that somehow still exist that I found on Boing Boing archives?!?

So I've been exploring the early Boing Boing archives, back when it was a pretty cool linkblog before the enshittification and clickbait spam it is now. And there are a lot of dead links, but surprisingly, quite a few websites still exist in 2024. People tend to talk about the graveyard of dead links regarding the internet, but some sites have managed to stay up for a loong time!

So here's a list for you

  • History of Dark Rides
  • Defunct Disney Rides and Attractions
  • Wacky Packages complete archive and history
  • War of the World book cover collection: true dedication to this novel
  • All the B-Listed monster movie info you could ever need
  • Fake Toy Brand haunting your nightmares since 2000
  • Museum of Quackary for all your medical needs
  • Ghost Sites of the web since 1996. Now a ghost site itself 👻
  • A Belgian pilot takes picture of Abandoned Places. Personally, my favorite site from this list. check it out.
  • I'll probably make a part 2 soon as I continue to dive into the year 2001 & beyond or before.

    For now, scroll down on my site and check out these Cambrian Critters I rescued from the depths of internet archive